Test the Billing API

Tip for Indians here.

If you are from India trying out the Stripe API or from any other country that require a customer name and address of someone from outside India. Try the following in billing.js file:

await stripe.charges.create({
    currency: "usd",
    shipping: {
      name: "Jenny Rosen",
      address: {
        line1: "510 Townsend St",
        postal_code: "98140",
        city: "San Francisco",
        state: "CA",
        country: "US",

You can give any shipping details. But it should be something related to US/UK etc etc.

For more information check out: https://stripe.com/docs/india-exports

@jayair Please update the docs with this case. I spent considerable amount of time trying to debug the problem.

Hope it helps everyone.