Cannot find generated build config in the post deploy in seed

What I am trying to do is that: I have deployed my infrastructures in AWS through serverless and seed. I am generating the build config of the infrastructures such as endpoints etc in JSON file. I do have 3 backend services in the same repo but in different directories. So I have generated 3 build config.json files in their respective directory. Till this seed is working fine.

the logs of database service said this:
✓ Save manifest complete
Output path: /tmp/seed/source/build-config/database-config.json
Full path: /tmp/seed/source/build-config/database-config.json

similarly, other services config is also saved in a similar way in JSON format.

The actual problem is when I want to combine these 3 JSON files into one final JSON file with a post deploy method in the seed. It says the /tmp/seed/source/build-config/database-config.json file cannot be found.

this is what logs say:

ERROR: jq: error: Could not open file /tmp/seed/source/build-config/cognito-config.json: No such file or directory
ERROR: jq: error: Could not open file /tmp/seed/source/build-config/database-config.json: No such file or directory
ERROR: jq: error: Could not open file /tmp/seed/source/build-config/erwte-config.json: No such file or direct

can anyone help me with this? I am new to seed, I didn’t found any information on creating the separate artifacts on seed

I might have to look at your builds in detail. But just a heads up, the files you create are temporary. Unless you check them into your repo or upload them elsewhere to S3.

Out of curiosity, what is your post deploy phase script supposed to do?