Adding Links in the Navbar

I have spent HOURS trying to figure this out. Bless you. You have truly made my week with the LinkContainer bit.

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In this section, I’m having an odd experience. It seems that once I add my LinkContainer to prevent refreshing, the browser will no longer update the container on link change. I have to manually refresh the page to get the message “Sorry, page not found!” Then, to return to the home page, I have to click the home button and manually refresh again. Any advice?

While I have you, I am also curious as to why we do not want to refresh the page each time. Is it because it would have to re-open a container and output everything again from AWS each time?

Okay, weird…but I am happy it happened. I would love an explanation as to what happened here. In a later section, I did not have a useHistory in react-router-dom: To solve this, I changed my react-router-dom version in package.json as 5.1.2, and ran npm install again. It solved both issues at once. Beautiful! But any explanation?