Add a Create Note API

By any chance do you have this line in libs/dynamodb-lib.js:

AWS.config.update({ region: "us-east-1" });

1 Like

ahh that fixed it!

changed the region on the config update,

thank you soo much!

Thanks for helping out @justBanks

That looks really strange. Which version of serverless are you using?

@jayair Iā€™ve been going through the tutorial. I want to ask about the URL path defined in the serverless.yml file. What does it do and is it necessary to have it the same as your database name? Thank you very much.

Can you point me to the line that you are confused about?

I have the same issue where I run either

serverless invoke local --function create --path mocks/create-event.json
serverless invoke local --function get --path mocks/get-event.json

both return nothing in terminal after I abstract w/ js files in libs dir

How were you able to get the 200 or 500 responses?

same here after abstracting the responses and DB in the libs dir

So it was working fine before you abstract stuff out?


Thanks for the tutorial, everything was going smoothly until I hit this point.
I have the same problem as a couple people prior in that when I enter the following in the terminal:

serverless invoke local --function create --path mocks/create-event.json

I get back the command prompt with nothing else:

I have changed my region to ā€˜us-east-2ā€™ in both places on my serverless.yml file.

Here are my config and credential files:
Config file: ~/.aws/config
region = us-east-2

Credentials: ~/.aws/credentials

When I enter ā€˜aws s3 lsā€™ in the terminal, I get back the proper name of my bucket
When I enter ā€˜aws dynamodb list-tablesā€™, I get back: {ā€œTableNamesā€: [ā€œnotesā€]}

I"m not really sure what my next steps would be to troubleshoot this.
Any help would be appreciated.


Oh. The region aspect seems good. Which version of Serverless are you using btw?

It is the current one, as I had just installed it.
But I just figured out the problemā€¦there were 2 issues:

  1. Serverless hadnā€™t installed properly due to permissionsā€¦simple chmod fixed that.
  2. I had the the create.js and ā€˜mocksā€™ folder in the wrong folder so just needed to move them.

Once I did that and re-ran the command, I was rewarded with a statusCode: 200.

Your one question regarding Serverless version in your response led me to the solution. Thanks for the helpā€¦Iā€™m onto the next step.

1 Like

Awesome. Iā€™ll keep that in mind when somebody else runs into this.

I am sorry, I am new here and I am not a full-stack developer, but I want to learn. I had followed the tutorial until here, but in this step I get the following:

    "statusCode": 500,
    "headers": {
        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
        "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": true
    "body": "{\"status\":false}",
    "error": {
        "message": "The security token included in the request is invalid.",
        "code": "UnrecognizedClientException",
        "time": "2018-11-15T21:47:15.730Z",
        "statusCode": 400,
        "retryable": false,
        "retryDelay": 43.334367945545004

Can someone to help me please?

I had applied the refactoring of this step and the error now is the following:

Serverless: Bundling with Webpack...
Time: 864ms
Built at: 2018-11-15 16:30:05
        Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
    create.js  10.1 KiB  create  [emitted]  create  7.23 KiB  create  [emitted]  create
Entrypoint create = create.js
[./create.js] 2.36 KiB {create} [built]
[./libs/dynamodb-lib.js] 468 bytes {create} [built]
[./libs/response-lib.js] 762 bytes {create} [built]
[aws-sdk] external "aws-sdk" 42 bytes {create} [built]
[babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify] external "babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify" 42 bytes {create} [built]
[babel-runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator] external "babel-runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator" 42 bytes {create} [built]
[babel-runtime/regenerator] external "babel-runtime/regenerator" 42 bytes {create} [built]
[source-map-support/register] external "source-map-support/register" 42 bytes {create} [built]
[uuid] external "uuid" 42 bytes {create} [built]
{ UnrecognizedClientException: The security token included in the request is invalid.
    at Request.extractError (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\protocol\json.js:48:27)
    at Request.callListeners (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\sequential_executor.js:106:20)
    at Request.emit (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\sequential_executor.js:78:10)
    at Request.emit (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\request.js:683:14)
    at Request.transition (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\request.js:22:10)
    at AcceptorStateMachine.runTo (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\state_machine.js:14:12)
    at E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\state_machine.js:26:10
    at Request.<anonymous> (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\request.js:38:9)
    at Request.<anonymous> (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\request.js:685:12)
    at Request.callListeners (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\sequential_executor.js:116:18)
    at Request.emit (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\sequential_executor.js:78:10)
    at Request.emit (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\request.js:683:14)
    at Request.transition (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\request.js:22:10)
    at AcceptorStateMachine.runTo (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\state_machine.js:14:12)
    at E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\state_machine.js:26:10
    at Request.<anonymous> (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\request.js:38:9)
    at Request.<anonymous> (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\request.js:685:12)
    at Request.callListeners (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\sequential_executor.js:116:18)
    at callNextListener (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\sequential_executor.js:96:12)
    at IncomingMessage.onEnd (E:\Documentos Usuarios\DELGADOCJ\Desktop\Serverless\notes-app-api\node_modules\aws-sdk\lib\event_listeners.js:298:13)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:187:15)
    at IncomingMessage.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:442:20)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1094:12)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
  message: 'The security token included in the request is invalid.',
  code: 'UnrecognizedClientException',
  time: 2018-11-15T22:30:06.148Z,
  statusCode: 400,
  retryable: false,
  retryDelay: 32.77251605004998 }
    "statusCode": 500,
    "headers": {
        "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
        "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": true
    "body": "{\"status\":false}"

I solved my problem. I made a mistake in a previous step with the command aws configure.


1 Like

New to Serverless here, so hopefully this is something obviously. I am working on Windows and used the AWS CLI MSI installer if that matters here. I have walked through this a couple of times now from scratch, changing nothing in the tutorial. When I get to the point of testing the create endpoint using the mock JSON, the command executes and I get what appears to be a build process in the command line interface, then nothing. No API response. The process just ends with no apparent error and not API response.

The command line interface shows the following:

D:\Projects\serverless-stack\notes-app-api>serverless invoke local --function create --path mocks/create-event.json
Serverless: Bundling with Webpack...
Time: 2634ms
Built at: 2018-11-22 19:51:14
Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
create.js  7.16 KiB  create  [emitted]  create  6.98 KiB  create  [emitted]  create
Entrypoint create = create.js
[./create.js] 2.08 KiB {create} [built]
[aws-sdk] external "aws-sdk" 42 bytes {create} [built]
[babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify] external "babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify" 42 bytes {create} [built]
[source-map-support/register] external "source-map-support/register" 42 bytes {create} [built]
[uuid] external "uuid" 42 bytes {create} [built]

Not real sure where to turn here, so hopefully somebody can point out what I have missed. Thanks!

Iā€™m seeing exactly the same issue, working through the tutorial on my Mac

$ node -v
$ npm -v
$ serverless -v
$ aws --version
aws-cli/1.16.60 Python/3.7.1 Darwin/18.2.0 botocore/1.12.50

Iā€™m getting the same as @jchastain and @benoram, on Ubuntu 18.04.

    $ serverless invoke local --function create --path mocks/create-event.json
    Serverless: Bundling with Webpack...
    Time: 831ms
    Built at: 11/24/2018 11:39:33 PM
            Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
        create.js  7.42 KiB  create  [emitted]  create  7.15 KiB  create  [emitted]  create
    Entrypoint create = create.js
    [./create.js] 2.34 KiB {create} [built]
    [aws-sdk] external "aws-sdk" 42 bytes {create} [built]
    [babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify] external "babel-runtime/core-js/json/stringify" 42 bytes {create} [built]
    [source-map-support/register] external "source-map-support/register" 42 bytes {create} [built]
    [uuid] external "uuid" 42 bytes {create} [built]

$ node --version

$ npm --version

$ serverless --version

$ aws --version
aws-cli/1.16.60 Python/3.6.7 Linux/4.15.0-38-generic botocore/1.12.50

Ok Iā€™m not sure what was causing it but after about 1 hour of debugging I decided to try to move on and, to my surprise, it is apparently fixed by the refactoring of the code in the last step.
So thereā€™s that.

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